Monday, February 22, 2010

Miss me? Housekeeping.

     Wow. I am not good at the consistent blogging thing.

     Okay, yes, it has been over two months since I last posted, and I very conveniently skipped what is arguably one of the biggest holidays of the year. Mea culpa. You are exactly right, and I apologize for it immensely. I just got so caught up in the fun of it all! I spent the holidays with my in-laws for a week, and then my family for a second week, and just couldn't find the time to get into "the office," so to speak. Real life fail, I suppose. It is lucky that I have a readership of zero at this point, or else people would be upset!

     With hope, I can now jump back into the posting frenzy with whatever good ideas I may find, or whatever craziness my fall out of my head. You'll notice that I took the time to de-autumn-ize the design of the blog. The photos are taken with my own cell phone camera, so I hope you enjoy them!

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