Monday, April 26, 2010

Donating hair!

     I've been growing my hair out for a while. Initially, I made the decision so I could have longer hair for my wedding. I guess I made that decision last, say, summer. We're quickly approaching this summer. At a recent party, someone caught a picture of my hair's current length:

That's me in the lower left corner. I'm very close to my goal--to donate my hair to the Locks of Love Foundation. Ten inches is the amount of hair I need, tip to tip. My next hair appointment is in June, so I'm really hoping that I'll have the right amount by then.

     This will be the third time that I have donated my hair to LoL. The first time was in high school, and the second time was during my first year in DC. It's a fun thing to do. I'll cut it in a bob, then play around with different cuts and colorings for a while, but ultimately, I'll grow it out and donate it again. I think it's better than letting it go to waste, and heck, I'm not using it. Someone else can put it to better use than I ever could.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Ostara excitement!

     I loooove holidays, and Easter is no different. The Ostara celebration is full of fun traditions. My husband and I celebrated in a low-key sort of way, but it was still fun. I we dyed eggs, which I hadn't done in years.

Of course, I had to sort in rainbow order.

In my mom's tradition, we labeled each egg with family names--me, my husband, and our cats.

     We only dyed a dozen eggs because I don't like hard-boiled eggs. My husband is going to have to eat all of them!

     That was Easter Eve. On Easter Day, we went out into the world--and a beautiful day it was--for a nice breakfast.

My landlord's puppy, Daisy, on Easter Day.

The cherry blossoms are in full bloom.

     And finally, I leave you with a picture that my mother-in-law took of one of the baby bunnies that run through her back yard.

Meet George!

     I hope you had a great holiday weekend!