Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Ta da, fall is falling!

     Was summer really so short, so brief, that we're already talking about apple recipes and chilly weather? The district today is seeing high temperatures close to the 90 degree mark, so it really doesn't feel that way. And yet, the calendar reads September 10th today! I had a serious discussion with my husband about when fall actually starts, the equinox or September 1, and my argument for September 1 is that we consider the winter season December 1 (or after Thanksgiving, at least). If we only start celebrating winter, then we're mixing holiday snowmen with scarecrows and harvest, and it just doesn't work. So I must be firm, year after year, argument after argument, even if the weather, equinoxes, or solstices don't agree. If it's between September 1 and Thanksgiving, I'm calling it Fall. Autumn leaves, I invite you to change at your earliest convenience.

     I like to focus on apples in September. It's back to school, bring your teacher an apple, bake that first pie--that kind of feeling. Apples help us warm up to the more serious harvest vegetables like pumpkins. Although surprisingly, my local farmer's market Heyser Farms claim that they receive fresh corn into October--who would have thunk it? Heyser Farms featured some amazing peaches this past summer--almost as big as my head!--so I'm looking forward to visiting them for their apple offerings. We sadly missed the Rambo season--I'm not sure how, we were there and looking for them--so we'll have to make our first pie with later-season apples. With apples on the brain, I'd like to share a couple of really tasty-looking apple recipes from Better Homes and Gardens. I appreciate how excited they are about the changing seasons--they share my enthusiasm! I think the savory recipes look especially enticing. If someone tries them before me, please do share your review of your results!

Sweetie Recipes

Classic Apple Crisp

Granny Smith Cobbler with White Cheddar Biscuits
Savory Recipes

Apple Cider Chicken

Apple-Sausage Rigatoni

Apple-Buttered Sweet Potatoes