Friday, September 2, 2011


     We are two days into September, and my blog has been fall-ified. My desk has been mostly fall-ified, my candles at home are switched to the autumn scents, and my hand soaps at my sinks are of the new Bath and Body Works Autumn variety. I've made sure that my bathrooms are stocked with the limited edition fall-scented Febreze sprays. I've switched the scent theme of my hand sanitizers at work from beachy to Halloween-y (because those are the ones I have right now). My desk also holds a Renuzit Aroma cone in Apple & Cinnamon. Ladies and gentlemen, I am ready for fall.

Pretty soaps, all in a row.

     We have finally reached Labor Day weekend, and for this, I am glad. (1) Yay for the three day weekend! As my husband pointed out yesterday, summer, for some reason, is filled with straight working days and few holidays. So when you most want a holiday, there are none to be found. Autumn, however, is loaded with holidays. There are months of three- or even four-day weekends ahead of us. My husband works for the government, so he will eventually hit a point where he won't have to work a full pay period (two weeks) without a day off for the rest of the year. Holidays are so lovely. (2) Good riddance, summer! Cooler weather is bound to be around soon! I know, I know, the DC area is still predicted to hit 89 degrees this weekend, but so what! We will eventually cool off, and I have hoodies and sweaters in the eaves, just waiting for some action.

     So what are your plans for the holiday weekend? If I know my husband, we are going to bake. Remember the mixer I plugged a few scant entries ago? If you don't remember, don't worry--I'll plug it here:

LOOK AT THAT PRICE. In case it doesn't stay that way, please note that today, the price on this item, new, reads $225.99. You can see why we bought it--you can't beat that price! Especially when my husband and I pay for Amazon Prime. The price hit that low on Monday, and by Wednesday, we had a mixer. It's given my husband good reason to crack open the book my mom got him last Christmas:

All day today, he's been asking me all sorts of possibly yummy questions. For example, "Do we have cooling racks?", "Do we have Crisco?", and "Do we have heavy cream?" My husband learned the art of pie crusts from his mother, much to my mother's delight. How can you dislike a son-in-law that makes you apple pie? You really can't, especially when he's my husband.

     If we don't jump straight into baking tomorrow, I imagine we'll visit Williams-Sonoma or Sur la Table, just to stock up on the last few hardware supplies we don't have, and possibly a trip to everyone's favorite grocery store, Wegmans, to get the best quality ingredients.

     In all honesty, I just can't wait to get home--it's going to be a delicious weekend!

     Please note that this post contains product links using Amazon Associates. Should enough people click the links and make purchases, I would get paid. Amazon Associates pays once your clicks equal $10; in my entire history with the program, I currently have about $3, so I have never been paid yet, lol. The biggest reason I use Amazon Associates is so that I don't have to use my own personal server space for image hosting when I refer to products, and to ensure proper and unbroken links for archiving purposes.